Fresh fruits and vegetables
red apple


Every Day Meals

No Gluten

No Dairy

No Eggs

No Soy

Corinne Floyd


I'm Corinne Floyd

Would you give up ​foods you love?

It is not easy giving up certain foods. I know ​because I did!

And it did not take long to become painfully ​aware how every recipe and every restaurant ​menu item relies very heavily on flour, cheese ​and eggs.

What was I going to eat?

Cheese and mushroom omelettes ​with toast for breakfast, grilled ​cheese sandwiches for lunch, ​yogurt and fruit, soya sauce on rice ​– yum.

I’ve enjoyed all of these foods for ​most of my life. To be honest my ​mouth waters even now thinking ​about them.

So why would I suddenly eliminate ​gluten, dairy, eggs and soy from ​my diet? Why would anyone?

grilled cheese sandwiches
Yogurt with Fruit
Fish Fillet, Rice, and Soy Sauce on Plate
Patient Undergoing Blood Extraction

Can you relate?

For me, it all started with a routine ​thyroid blood test that indicated a ​thyroid hormone was out of range.

  • Sound familiar?
  • What did your doctor recommend?
  • Was it a pharmaceutical ​prescription that you would have ​to take for the rest of your life?

What would you do?

Would you go down the path of a ​prescription thyroid drug you would ​have to take for the rest of your life ​for hypothyroidism and/or ​Hashimoto’s disease or...

would you consider other possible ​options?


Do you believe in cause and effect?


I do.

I am a curious person who likes ​challenges and finding solutions.

  • Define the problem.
  • What are possible causes?
  • What do I need to learn?

I knew there had to be a reason why ​my thyroid was out of balance. I ​believe for every symptom there has ​to be a cause. What caused the ​thyroid to change?

My health journey began with this ​belief firmly fixed in my mind.

I started by seeking a naturopathic ​physician who had extra training in ​Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and together ​we made a plan for healing.

She suggested I begin by eliminating ​four inflammatory foods: gluten, ​dairy, eggs and soy plus take ​supplements specifically to ​strengthen the thyroid.

I began the protocol and started ​searching for foods I could eat.

Every Day Meals - Recipes


Baked Salmon Garnished with Asparagus and Tomatoes with Herbs

Main Meals


Every Day Meals

No Gluten

No Dairy

No Eggs

No Soy

What does the book include and how can it help you?

  • Shorten your learning curve
  • Recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, ​dessert, snacks, drinks and condiments
  • Menu plans
  • Shopping lists
  • Kitchen utensils
  • Resources - Books and Websites
Fresh fruits and vegetables
red apple


Every Day Meals

No Gluten

No Dairy

No Eggs

No Soy

"Every Day Meals" - A Resource for Those with Dietary Restrictions

For those seeking to broaden their culinary horizons while avoiding specific ​foods, "Every Day Meals" is an essential guide. This book offers delicious options ​without gluten, dairy, eggs, or soy. Additionally, it provides menu plans to help ​you navigate your dietary journey with ease.

Every Day Meals is available in two formats: a spiral bound book that lies flat on ​your counter for easy recipe following, and a downloadable PDF for immediate ​access.

To access the spiral bound edition, please click the link provided below.

Spiral bound edition

To access the PDF edition and for immediate access, please click the link ​provided below.

PDF edition

Best wishes for your health journey!

Corinne Floyd